Thursday, 17 April 2008

The Darker Side of Inspiration

Here's a little tip, never go to see someone as talented and creative as Jonathan 'Juke' McErlean in an improvised AS Drama production. You will be captivated, enthralled and ultimately ensnared. From the very moment he walked on stage I was under his spell. Sporting a loose black shirt with ripped satin under-vest, gravity-defying obsidian hair, and accessories that would put Cher to shame, he truly was the devil's right-hand man. Now, Juke (his nickname in reality, not the name of the character) had a cohort whose name I didn't catch, but she was equally mesmerising. A dark, volumised tu-tu lay snuggly under the traditional silver studded belt that hung sensually from a close-worn leather jacket.

Now, the devil's two main men boasted more than spectacular costumes. They were, dare I say it, leagues better than some of the professional actors in show. Being only seventeen, it was inspiring to see how amazing they were, but also quite frightening since I'm already booked into GCSE Drama. I don't know how I can compete.

Anyway, both demons had a sort of habit. Juke played the contortionist unbelievably: the way he walked, almost like a slither; jumping (or rather, a continuation of walking, as the case was) from impossible heights and landing smoothly without the slightest bend of a knee; and finally, a sickeningly freakish backwards flip down a tiny flight of stairs, with his back arched into a perfect circle. I can't imagine anyone doing a better job of the role.

The girl would almost be at home with a travelling circus. Her prop of choice, a perfectly spherical (heavy!) crystal ball which she unceasingly rolled around her hands. She must have been practicing for months, it was that good. She caught the rules of physics by the throat and thrust them aside.

All in all, they were the two of the finest, darkest, most alluring characters I've come across, drama of literature. What's more they were fantastic actors. It must have helped that they were best friends, because their roles were so sensual, so mirrored, it was like listening to two halves of the same person. Words can't even do them justice; I should have recorded it.

So! Juke and his friend are the inspiration for my latest BA duo that should come about in a few months (Rosalie is still in the works =O). I can't wait to get my hands on them and contort them into something unbelievable.

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