Wednesday, 16 April 2008


Very vague and mysterious for a blog post, no? Sadly the content isn't nearly as mystifying as its title.

Recently I've been noticing that I'm drifting away from some of my closest friends, and becoming more 'popular'. Now, I'm not going to claim that I have mastered the social structure and befriended everyone in the school, but I've handily made my way around the place. Unfortunately the popularity seems to come at a price.

This price was really only visible today, walking home from school with my close friend Megan (who, incidentally, was my cohort during the V-Day catastrophe =O). We began with small talk: discussing the horrid state of affairs at school, the general pressures teenagers are under; then, suddenly, things became a lot more personal. We both agreed that we had been drifting apart, and something had to be done about it. This is where the crunch came.

If I can be so bold as to conduct a brief interlude, I need to tell another small story. I've been friends with another girl, Hannah, for about two years now. We've never been nearly as close as Megan and I, but we're spending more and more time together, even going as far as to visit each others' houses. That may not seem so strange, but it was only months ago that the mere concept of an out-of-school meeting was laughable. So, we've began hosting little meetings at out houses every Friday night, where two other friends also join and we watch a movie.

Back to the current story, Megan and I had been trying to remedy the distance between us, when suddenly I remembered the last time I had visited her house. It was shamefully several weeks ago. During that euphoric (I need help v.v) meeting we decided to visit each other every single Friday. Now, that happened before the Friday Night Club initiated. In essence, I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. I would have lots of fun in both cases, and in both my friends are liable to get hurt if I don't show up.

So I'm in a bit of a dilemma. Best case scenario I work out another day for Megan, but her brother is absent only on Friday nights, giving us a chance to play the fabled Playstation 3 =O

I have lots of female friends. It's quite worrying.

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