I had such an
excellent day today. It began with Drama, in which our group is putting on an extract from Nikolai Gogol's 'The Government Inspector' for moderation. Today we sorted out our set (complete with an AMAZING door set piece) and rehearsed the first scene. I don't actually have a role in this scene (though I'm the government inspector himself in the next one - so. Many. LINES.) so I just sat around shouting 'suggestions' to people and eating sweets. It was such a wonderful rehearsal.
The rest of the day was just pleasant: Geography, English, swimming in games. After school I had another drama rehearsal, which was equally as fun as the first.
Good day. I'm incredibly tired now, however. Oh well.
Your Drama class sounds like such fun. Do you all put on a great many plays?
This is actually the first fun thing we've done in Drama. It is an actual GCSE subject for me, so I have to write essays and take notes during plays that we go to see. I absolutely hated it for a year and a half, and I'm only starting to enjoy it now.
We've so far created three twenty-minute plays from scratch, and this is the first time that we've put on a scripted production. The rest of the subject is hellish :/
Oh wow, a year and a half? That's a long time to hate something, xD It might be too early for you to answer this, but do you prefer creating plays from scratch, or putting on scripted ones?
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